Fener Mahallesi, Bulent Ecevit Bulvarı No:72 Antalya / Turkey

All-on-Six Dental Implant Cost in Turkey | Tooth implant Antalya

Orion Dental Health

All-on-Six Dental Implant Cost in Turkey

What is the All on 6 Implants technique?

All on 6 Implants Technique involves placing 6 dental implants in the lower and upper jaw with screw retention in order to replace lost teeth and reverse the effects of edentulism. Orion-Dental-Antalya-Turkey patients have an attractive hollywood smile and the ability to speak comfortably, which means their self-confidence increases. In addition, it has teeth with strong biting and chewing.

What are the advantages of All on 6 Implants Procedure?

All on 6 Implants Procedure have many advantages and benefits.

  • All-on-6 implants have a long lifespan of 10-15 years.
  • It is a fixed, long-lasting dental implant Turkey that changes shape to adapt to the jawbone.
  • There is no age restriction for patients with stable health conditions.
  • The process ends quickly. That's why all-on-6-Turkey or all-on-4-Turkey procedures are also called sameday-implants.
  • Provides a natural looking smile.
  • People with low bone volume can use all on six in Antalya, Turkey treatment without the need for bone grafting.
  • Six dental implants placed in the jawbone increased the biting and eating capacity of the teeth.
  • It provides a faster recovery time compared to the full mouth implant procedure.
  • The majority of patients who undergo full dental prosthesis do not experience negative symptoms such as nausea.
  • It is cheaper than full mouth dental implant Turkey surgery.
  • A customized approach is used.
  • Problems that patients have experienced in the past (such as gum disease) are solved with implant treatment.
  • The patients' speaking abilities have a Hollywood smile-like appearance, which means improved self-confidence.
  • The patient does not lose any teeth during the treatment.
  • As with other types of implants, a single surgical intervention can provide a solution. There is no need for advanced surgical techniques.
  • It facilitates tooth flow and cleaning.
all on 6 implants model

To whom is the All on 6 Implants technique applied?

Patients who have lost most or all of their teeth in either the lower jaw or the upper jaw, patients who are dissatisfied with their current dental prostheses and have compliance issues, patients who frequently change their unusable and problematic prostheses, patients who have low bone density and do not require bone grafting, and patients who do not want to use full dentures, or what we call dentures, are all candidates for the All on 6 Implants technique.

Who is not a candidate for the All on 6 Implants techniques?

The All on 6 Implants technique, which involves placing six dental implants to support a full arch of teeth, is generally suitable for many individuals. However, there are some cases where a person may not be an ideal candidate for this specific technique. The following are some factors that may make someone not a candidate for the All on 6 Implants technique:

  • Insufficient bone density: The success of dental implants in Turkey relies on adequate bone density and volume to provide stability and support. If a person has significant bone loss in the jaw, additional procedures such as bone grafting may be necessary to enhance the bone before implant placement.
  • Poor oral health: Individuals with significant gum disease or untreated dental issues may not be suitable candidates for immediate implant placement. It is crucial to address any existing oral health problems, such as gum disease or tooth decay, before considering the All on 6 Implants technique.
  • Certain medical conditions: Individuals with uncontrolled diabetes, autoimmune disorders, compromised immune systems, or specific medical conditions that affect healing or bone health may not be ideal candidates for dental implant surgery. Each case should be evaluated individually by the dental professional and the patient's medical team.
  • Heavy smoking or tobacco use: Smoking and tobacco use can impair the healing process and increase the risk of implant failure. Dentists may advise patients to quit smoking or limit tobacco use to increase the chances of successful implant integration.

It's important to note that these factors may not completely exclude someone from getting dental implants altogether. They may still be suitable candidates for alternative implant techniques or require additional treatments to address specific challenges. Consulting with a qualified dental professional is essential to assess your individual situation and determine the most appropriate treatment options.

all on 6 dental implants Turkey

How is the All on 6 Implants technique applied?

  • The preliminary examination is the first step.

Our specialised dentists undertake a preliminary examination of the patient at our clinic in a very comfortable setting utilising medical imaging tools. Simultaneously, information regarding the patient, chronic illnesses, smoking, and alcohol usage is gathered.

  • Modelling is the second step.

Our specialised dentist takes exact mouth measurements in order to construct the prosthesis for our patient. These measurements are sent to the prosthetic manufacturing facility.

  • The third step is implantation.

If the patient requires tooth extraction, they are removed. In most cases, a bone graft is not required in the All on 6 Implants Technique. If such a surgery is required (due to a lengthy period of time following tooth extraction), our specialised dentist will use bone transplant in the most suitable manner.

Specialist maxillofacial surgeons provide local anaesthesia to our patient. Sedative medicines and general anaesthesia may be used in certain individuals (severe fear, anxiety condition, etc.). Six implants are put in the holes made in the jaw bones after the patient's gums are cut. Anterior implants are inserted at a 90o angle, whereas posterior implants are implanted at a 45o angle. Although the time required for this treatment in both jaws varies from patient to patient, it typically takes 2-3 hours.

  • Fitting a temporary prosthesis is the fourth step.

Following the placement of the implants, the patient is fitted with a temporary prosthesis to prevent tooth loss throughout the procedure. During this time, the patient's gums are expected to recover and the implants to adapt to and be anchored to the jawbone.

  • The fifth step is the permanent prosthetic fitting.

Although it varies from patient to patient, our specialised dentist performs the patient's evaluation between 3-5 months. The temporary prosthesis is removed following the implants' predicted healing, adaption, and attachment to the jawbone, and the permanent prosthesis is installed after an average of 2 hours of the second session. Also all on 6 tooth implants can be applied with zirconia crown

The healing process after All on 6 Implants Procedure.

  • Our patients should not eat or drink anything for many hours following the implant operation to allow the influence of local anaesthesia to wear off.
  • After the treatment, teeth may become sensitive; avoid eating or drinking anything hot or cold.
  • Pain in your jawbone and gums is possible; you should take painkillers as prescribed by our doctor.
  • Alcohol and cigarette usage should be avoided throughout therapy.
  • Watery and non-chewing meals should be taken to allow the implants to adjust to the jawbone.
  • Antibiotic medications indicated by our professional dentists should be used to reduce the risk of infection.
  • Slight swelling and bleeding in the operated areas are usual after a few days.
  • Hard foods should be avoided throughout treatment.
  • Wash your teeth on a regular basis as directed by your dentist.
  • See our experts if you have long-term swelling, discomfort, or bleeding.

Aftercare All on 6 Dental Implants

  • It is best to soft clean the surgical area using a cotton swab rather than scrubbing vigorously for 3-4 days.
  • For all on 6 treatment, follow the dentist's mouthwash advice by using it 3 - 4 times a day.
  • Do not eat until the local anesthesia has completely worn off and evade consuming hot food and drinks within the first 24 hours.
  • Staying away from alcohol and cigarettes will be beneficial for you during the healing process.
  • Tiring activities such as running and sports should be evaded in the first days after surgery.
  • Once the recovering process is finished, caring for implant tooth are similar to caring for natural tooth. Brush your teeth twice a day using a ideal toothbrush and floss in between.
  • Your dentist may recommend professional cleaning aids, such as an interdental brush. Make sure the implants are clean and plaque-free, just like natural teeth.

What are the differences between the All on 6 Implants technique and the All on 4 implants technique?

In terms of technique, both implants are comparable. However,

  • Since the All on 6 Implants process places six implants in the jawbone vs four implants in the All on Four methods, the capacity to bite and chew will be greater in the All on 6 Implants
  • The All on 4 implants technique is less expensive.
  • The patient does not stay toothless throughout the All on 6 Implants operation since the temporary prosthesis is linked to the patient.
  • The All on 6 Implants method fixes and strengthens the prosthesis.
  • The All on 4 implants in Turkey employs a partial prosthesis, while the All on 6 Implants treatment employs a completely inserted prosthesis.

All-on-4 Dental Implants

All-on-6 Dental Implants

Number of Implants



Surgery Time

Shorter surgery time

Longer surgery time

Bone Density Requirement

Suitable for moderate bone loss

Suitable for significant bone loss

Stability & Support

Offers stability

Provides enhanced support, especially in cases of bone resorption

Chewing Power

Good chewing function for many patients

Potential for greater chewing power due to additional implants

Long-term Durability

10-15 years

10-15 years


More cost-effective due to fewer implants

Higher cost due to additional implants

all on 6 dental implants faq

Frequently asked questions about All on 6 Implants

How much does an All on 6 Implants cost in Antalya?

All on 6 Implants cost in Antalya varies between $5000 and $9000. The price of All on 6 Implants is cheaper than other implant surgeries. Implant prices vary from patient to patient and depend on the amount of material used, the brand of material and the exchange rate of the day.

Current prices can be found on our pricing page.

What are the dental tourism package prices?

Dental tourism package prices are several dental procedure packages consisting of various treatments and corresponding pricing. The package covers all medical care, travel, lodging, and sightseeing for six people. The pricing may vary depending on each clinic's package components. A significant aspect impacting the package content is the brand and quality of the materials used in the treatment of all six. Our clinic uses high quality goods from well-known companies, which contributes to the high patient satisfaction rate.

Visit our website to see the costs of our dental travel packages.

Do I encounter hidden costs in dental tourism packages?

No, you do not encounter hidden costs in dental tourism packages. The package costs that are provided to you in dental tourism packages don't change. Prices are only valid if you ask for a change in the materials to be used after the inspection, and this change can only be made by increasing the package price by the difference in the cost of the new materials.

Is All on 6 Treatments economical in Turkey?

Yes, All on 6 Treatments is economical in Turkey. Turkey is a more affordable option than other countries for All on 6 Implants Procedure. In Turkey, All on 6 Implants therapy typically costs between 3,600 and 4,500 €. This is the average cost; however, actual costs may vary based on the brand, experience of the doctor, clinic, and material quality utilised.

The pricing page may be accessed to see current prices. Here is a link to the article:

Is there an All on 6 Dental Implants Price difference between England and Turkey?

Yes, there are All on 6 Dental Implants Price difference between England and Turkey. The All on 6 Implants Procedure is more convenient in Turkey than it is in England. Currently, the cost of this practise in England ranges from 6,900 to 12,000 €, but it costs, on average, 3,500 to 4,500 € in Turkey. According to the clinic doing the surgery, the brand and quality of the material used, the doctor's expertise, and the teeth's existing state, these costs differ in our nation.

Is All on 6 Dental Implants treatment process painful?

No, All on 6 Dental Implants treatment process is not painful. Pain is not felt during the All on 6 Implants therapy since it is performed under local anaesthesia. After the procedure, there can be just a little discomfort. Painkillers that have been advised by our specialised doctors may stop this agony.

What is the success rate for All on 6 Dental Implants Procedures?

The success rate for All on 6 Dental Implants Procedures is approximately 95%. The All on 6 Implants method has a very high success rate. Correct implant maintenance and dental hygiene are two factors that raise this incidence. With the proper maintenance, you may utilise all six implants for a very long time.

What is the lifespan of the All on 6 Implants?

The lifespan of the All on 6 Implants can range from 10 to 20 years. The longevity of the All on 6 Implants Procedure;

  • The experience of the treating physician,
  • The brand and quality of the material used,
  • The patient's compliance with the physician's advice and recommendations before and after the treatment,
  • It varies depending on the attention given to oral hygiene.

You may utilise your All on 6 Implants for 15 to 20 years if you adhere to the predetermined guidelines.

Is Turkey a suitable place for All on 6 Treatments?

Yes, Turkey is a suitable place for All on 6 Treatments. Turkey teeth has gained notoriety in recent years as a result of its effective economic health research. Dental health is one of these research topics. We will never deceive you or our patients by using your choice for Turkey in dental health, and you will be happy.

Are dental clinics in Turkey modern and reliable?

Yes, dental clinics in Turkey are modern and reliable. In terms of health, Turkey has made significant progress. Turkish dental clinics adhere to the same modernity and standards as those in Europe and the dental supplies they employ are of European level and calibre. The Ministry of Health, Provincial Health Directorates, and Governorships must all provide their consent before the facility may be launched. Additionally, the Ministry of Health constantly inspects the clinics. Our on-call dentists are distinguished medical professionals with extensive training in their professions. As a result, our clinic offers the comfort and security that our patients may pick with confidence.

Are Turkish dentists experts and reliable in their fields?

Yes, Turkish dentists are experts and reliable in their fields. Our clinic's dentists are highly skilled, dependable, and effective medical professionals. These tests are used to choose candidates for universities in Turkey. Three million pupils take these tests annually on average. The top 80,000 students among the three million students who take the test are chosen by dental schools to teach future dentists. This demonstrates the pupils' intelligence.

Turkish dentists complete a five-year education to get licensed. Basic medical knowledge, courses covering theoretical dentistry, and laboratory courses make up the first three years of the five-year academic term. In the last two years of study, students take occupational classes and dental disease-related clinical investigations.

Does consuming soda after All on 6 Dental Implants harm the implant?

Yes, consuming soda after All on 6 Dental Implants harms the implant. Drinking acidic beverages after getting an All on 6 Implants might harm the implant. Therefore, our highly qualified doctors do not advise it.

Is smoking harmful to All on 6 Dental Implants?

Yes, smoking is harmful to All on 6 dental implants. Smoking hinders the healing of wounds. Smoking is discouraged 15 days before to and 15 days after the All on 6 Implants treatment, according to our professional doctors. Smoking before the surgery might have a negative impact on the outcomes, and smoking is not advised since it could result in issues including germs, plaque, and infections in the mouth after the process.

Does bad breath occur after All on 6 Implants Procedures?

No, bad breath does not occur after All on 6 Implants Procedures. As long as the patient is mindful of oral hygiene and takes care of their teeth, bad breath won't happen since we only utilise high quality materials in our operations. However, such unfavourable circumstances arise during surgeries carried out by doctors with little training and using subpar materials.

How many sessions do All on 6 Implants Procedures take?

All on 6 Implants Procedures take two sessions. The patient receives permanent prosthesis after the two-session operation. Each patient's implanting process is unique. The first surgery typically lasts two hours, divided equally between the lower and upper jaws. The patient is fitted with a temporary prosthesis throughout this process, and it is made sure that they do not go through the therapy without teeth. About three months pass while the implants adjust and join with the jawbone. Following this time, a second 2-hour session is used to connect the patient's permanent prosthesis.